Online marketing campaign for Würth
Reading time: 3 min
What ultimate tool is still missing for the trade? Würth, the world market leader for fastening and assembly technology, asked itself this question and developed the online solution towio. For the product launch of the “Software for Craftsmen” we were responsible for the development of an online marketing strategy including campaign concept and control of the social media ads. Find out what challenges we were confronted with and how we were able to master this task through close cooperation.
towio – to-what?
What craftsmen love are tools from Würth. What they don’t like is paperwork. That’s why the company has developed the towio software solution: the digital tool for craftspeople – so that they can spend less time stuck at their desks and more time pursuing their actual core business again, namely their craft. On the online platform, for example, quotations, orders or invoices can be created and services can be documented live on site. Craftsmen have the possibility to check their stocks on the go and, if necessary, to place repeat orders without much effort. In addition, important factors of ongoing operations, such as hazardous materials, test reports or personal protective equipment, can be kept track of and managed. Super easy, everything in one software and also available for the smartphone in the form of the towio app.
Strategic and operational support from a single source
Mit towio bietet Würth dem Handwerk ein echtes digitales Erlebnis – da liegt es ja schon fast auf der Hand, dass wir als Digital Experience Company in der strategischen und operativen Betreuung nicht fehlen durften. Unser Auftrag war es, eine Online-Marketing-Strategie inklusive Kampagnenkonzept zu entwickeln, um der Software in der digitalen Welt zu mehr Reichweite und Bekanntheit zu verhelfen und das Produkt auf dem Markt optimal zu platzieren. Hinzu kam der operative Part, also die konkrete Gestaltung der Assets auf Basis des Kampagnenkonzeptes, sowie die Aussteuerung bezahlter Anzeigen auf den Würth Social Media Plattformen. Der Fokus lag hierbei auf strategischem Denken, kreativen Ideen und dem gezielten Einsatz unseres Online-Marketing-Know-Hows. Ein klarer Fall für unser Projektteam, bestehend aus 8 Makies aus den Bereichen Kundenberatung, Strategie, Online-Marketing, Konzept, Text, Design, Produktion und Social Media.
Definition of target groups as a central element of the customer approach
In order to place towio ideally on the market and reach the right clientele, the definition of the target groups was the first priority. All craft businesses, from traditional small businesses to medium-sized enterprises, should be addressed – because they all have the same need: to keep the time for the actual work as high as possible and to reduce administrative processes in the running business as far as possible. As online marketing experts, we also asked ourselves the following questions:
- At which touchpoints do we reach the target group online?
- How would the target group like to be addressed?
- How do we manage to communicate the USPs (unique selling proposition) of the product in such a way that the target group also performs the desired action after contact with the campaign?
Agile working and maximum flexibility
Particular attention was paid to developing the appropriate core messages. In the process, we were confronted with a challenge: While we were already working on the core of our campaign, the individual versions of towio were still in development. For us, that meant agile working and maximum flexibility. Mastering this challenge was a balancing act, but thanks to the close cooperation and constant exchange between our customer advisory service and Würth, we always stayed up to date and were able to react immediately.
8 months later, everyone was just happy: Würth with the final result and us with the feedback.
Long-term relationship with Würth
The Würth Group, based in Hohenlohe, Germany, is the world market leader in the field of fastening and assembly technology and is the No. 1 contact for craftsmen’s businesses.
We are proud to call Würth our customer since day 1 of the foundation of our Digital Agency Services. For 6 years now, we have been working hand in hand with our contacts at Würth and developing online marketing and social media activities together. We are a competent advisor for performance campaigns as well as for all social media activities.
Need help developing your online marketing campaign?
Our Digital Agency Services look forward to meeting you.