
Sitecore fix EXM newsletter recipients not displayed due to client language

Reading time: 1 min

One of our customers reported the error that the recipients are not displayed in an EXM newsletter, although lists are attached to the newsletter.

On the left is the default admin with the client language “en”, on the right is another admin with the client language “de-DE”.

After speaking with Sitecore support, they told me this was a known issue and was related to the user’s client language.

The problem is described here: Included Recipient count is not updated if content language differs from English – Sitecore Knowledge Base.

We have changed the setting and the “exmapi” page as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<configuration xmlns:patch=""  xmlns:role="">
            <setting name="EXM.UseContextContentLanguage">
                <patch:attribute name="value">true</patch:attribute>
            <site name="exmapi" patch:before="*[1]" virtualFolder="/sitecore/api/ssc/EXM" inherits="website" language="en" contentLanguage="en" />

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Header-Grafik von Franck V..

The author
