
Welcome to our Jungle Academy – the training series for developers

Want to take your developer:in skills to the next level? Every Friday at 10:00 am, mmmake’s Jungle Academy sets the stage for our coding geniuses.

Don’t worry – this format is not a strict school lesson, quite the opposite: The Jungle Academy is a regulars’ table among developers, which allows participants to exchange ideas about brand-new, but also well-known topics.

The Jungle Academy is not only about knowledge transfer, but also about bringing you into contact with other developers. In the process, you will not only find out which hidden talents are slumbering in you. You will also meet our hero:in from the development of mmmake.

Curious now? If so, we look forward to meeting you at the Jungle Academy on Friday to take your development skills to the next level.

“I’m a coding monkey – get me out of here?” – this power is in the Jungle Academy

Why do we call ourselves Jungle Academy? The monkeys are to blame, as they are known to live in the jungle – the name Jungle Academy was born. But we do not want to take you out of there. We would like to take you to our awesome world of programmers: Talented and passionate programmers who find fast and efficient solutions to problems are what we at mmmake call “Coding Monkeys”. They are masters:in writing code and can handle complex tasks with ease.

You could also call them acrobatic “code circus monkeys” who juggle their keyboards and produce breathtaking solutions to problems. The term “code gorillas” is also apt, because with their power and intelligence they drive projects forward and lead them to success.

In any case, “Coding Monkeys” at mmmake are indispensable members of the developer team who contribute significantly to progress and success.

The Infinite Monkey Theoremat mmmake

The “Infinite Monkey Theorem” states that if you give a monkey an infinite amount of time, it can eventually type a Shakespeare play by tapping away on a keyboard. It could also be summed up as, “Give a monkey enough time and a keyboard, and he’ll eventually write a masterpiece – or at least some funny tweets.” This theorem serves as a metaphor for the idea that with enough time and trial and error, even seemingly impossible tasks can be achieved.

You would like to participate in theJungle Academy?

We are looking forward to meeting you! Feel free to contact us via the form for more information.

Ready for innovation? Ready for innovation?
Ready for innovation? Ready for innovation?
Ready for innovation? Ready for innovation?
Ready for innovation? Ready for innovation?
Jens Stolz
Division Lead Software Consulting & Engineering Get in touch

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