All about topic referenzen


McDonald’s Germany LLC

For McDonald's, we set up an individual training program to recruit and retain employees, provided support with internal communication and took over the moderation.

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VEGA Grieshaber KG

We developed a subpage for the career site with its own UX/UI, which is aimed at potential employees with a fresher look.

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Hyundai Motor Europe

In line with the international campaign appearance, we developed a concept geared towards the European markets. The content was played out on the various channels (social media and website) and made available to the European markets.

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mmmake GmbH

Cybersecurity is important. A video series that we have designed and produced shows how humorously the topic can be addressed.

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VEGA Grieshaber KG

AI for your business? Absolutely! With our AI workshop, we at VEGA Grieshaber KG have created a uniform understanding around artificial intelligence and highlighted possible use cases.

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Ensinger GmbH

With the modular system developed for Ensinger, we have achieved a straightforward external effect and created a central editorial point of contact internally.

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Schwarz Beschaffung GmbH

We have developed and implemented an internal furniture website to increase transparency and efficiency in furniture procurement.

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Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG

Creative implementation and digital touchpoints: We Würth designed and implemented a digital-first campaign to raise awareness of a product within the target audience.

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Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG

With a paid campaign, we focused on the benefits of the app based on assets and targeted them to the relevant audience using a pointed targeting.

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Rotzinger PharmaPack GmbH

We developed a special workshop for Rotzinger PharmaPack in which the potential of AI tools to increase efficiency in software development was explored.

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