Softwareconsulting & engineering

Our software consulting and development: strategic, implementation-strong, individual

Entrepreneurial growth and driving digitization forward at the same time – this challenge pushes many companies to their limits. This is where we come in! With our end-to-end solution, we advise and support you in terms of digital strategy, digital architecture as well as technology marketing and put them into practice.


Together with our customers we have already planned and implemented many exciting software projects. You can find all the info here.

Ready for innovation? Ready for innovation?
Ready for innovation? Ready for innovation?
Ready for innovation? Ready for innovation?
Ready for innovation? Ready for innovation?
Jens Stolz
Division Lead Software Consulting & Engineering Get in touch

What about the blog?


Mastering Unit Testing in ABAP: a guide to software quality

Unit testing – an important tool to ensure that your software modules work. We will show you how to proceed.


One year at the IPAI

We are celebrating one year at IPAI. In his guest article, our AI expert Hans Torben Löfflad reports on the highlights mmmake has experienced at the IPAI and what you can look forward to in 2024.


Accessibility in Sitecore Forms MVC

Accessibility is not charity! You can find out how to ensure accessibility in Sitecore Forms MVC here.